Roden Family Tree Hunters

This year, we finally fulfilled my dream of cutting down our own Christmas tree. I always did this with my class when I taught second grade, and Matt and I even cut down our own tree before we had kids, but this is the first time we have been brave enough to attempt it with kiddos! I hope it is a tradition we can continue because we all had so much fun. It helped that it was just a few degrees below room temperature in Atlanta the Saturday after Thanksgiving! The funniest thing to Matt and I
was that the kids kept choosing
gigantic trees! We kept calling Sophie Clark Griswald! The other funny thing was I kept telling the kids to watch out for tree stumps, and I was the only one who tripped (numerous times)!

Matt cut the tree down easily, and of course, the kids wanted to help carry it. He put up with their "help" for a while, but eventually, he just had to get the job done himself!
Visiting Bass Pro Shop and cutting down our own tree is not a typical Roden family weekend. Look out, we may take up hiking or camping any day now! (Though we aren't buying tents anytime soon...) To get back to Roden reality, we've already planned our weekend seeing the Pink Pig at Lenox and the snowfall at Atlantic Station.


Dana said…
Carrie- i have so enjoyed your blog! I never knew if I'd be able to do this blog thing or not, but I AM, and I love being able to see into the lives of my friends that I never get to be with...Hope you are doing well... isn't that baby coming soon???
mjb said…
I am so proud of you for going tree hunting!! Good memories!!!

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