Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I certainly did not look up whether or not a book was available at a particular bookstore, find out it was not, then send my husband to said bookstore to pick it up the next morning! I would never forget such an important fact so quickly! He definitely didn't work with an employee for an hour and a half only for the employee to find a copy of the book in an unpacked book in the back of the storeroom. Then once I had the book, I certainly didn't decide not to use it for my class!

Of course, I did not fret over how long long our roasted chicken would take to cook, rush into the house to prepare it quickly, set the timer on the oven, only to come back 25 minutes later to find 25 minutes gone on the timer and the chicken sitting on the counter next to the stove!

I absolutely did not make chicken soup for dinner the following night, feed the entire family this wholesome meal, and whisper in Matt's ear that he would be going on a "fast food errand" for me later that evening!

There is no way that I took Sophie shopping at Target, put her in the buggy, noticed a strange look from a stranger only to realize that my daughter was wearing a dress...and no panties!


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