Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I definitely did not draw a picture for Sophie that prompted Matt to say, "Well, that is pretty good for a five-year-old!"

There is no way that I have two sizable scars on my face due to forgetting to cut Will's nails for I-can't-even-remember-how-long. I would simply never allow my child to grow talons where his fingers used to be.

I would never take my cranky children grocery shopping on a Wednesday evening (when Matt works late), at dinner time, spend well over our grocery budget on pre-packaged snack foods solely to prevent Will from screaming in the cart. I also did not contemplate publicly chewing a man out in the middle of the grocery store while buying said processed foods because he refused to move out of my way as I drove the "big-rig" truck/shopping cart. Further more, I did not then go on the same evening to "clip" the man/kid working at Subway when he looked at my children like they were carrying the ebola virus because they were laughing too loudly in his fine establishment.

I most certainly did not "forget" to call Will to lunch because I was afraid we wouldn't have enough food, knowing full well I could feed him turkey and strawberries, while Matt, Sophie and I ate the real lunch, with Will being none the wiser.


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