It's a Girl!

Well, it looks like Sophie will have a sister, and Will will have... well, another sister! We are very excited because Sophie had her heart set on a sister and Will could care less as long as we keep the food coming! I am excited that Will will continue to be my baby boy and that Sophie will experience the joy of a sister!
This time around, we were excited to share the ultrasound fun with Patti-Grams and Aunt Hope. Aunt Hope being here was especially important because this baby's middle name will be Hope. We jokingly said that she was due for a namesake, so the middle name would be "Hope" even if it was a boy! 

I must admit that I felt sure this baby was a boy, as did every friend and family member except for my grandmother (who is part witch...) Aunt Hope (who was pulling for her namesake) and Sophie (who believes she controls the course of all events!) Apparently this little stinker is quite ladylike and likes to keep her legs crossed, so I've now had three ultrasounds (all resulting in "it's a girl") to confirm she is, in fact, a girl! We finally feel confident to start buying pink, and we can't wait to meet our little girl!

Sophie and Will celebrating a new baby sister at Pappasito's


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