It Was Her First Day in the First Grade

Yes, it is only a homeschool coop. Yes, it's only one day a week. But, it was her first day in the first grade and we celebrated (complete with obnoxious Veggie Tale song) like she was going to college. Because in our family - we like to party. And so we did.

Cupcakes the night before, presents and sign the morning of, and PF Changs for dinner. All for the first day in the first grade. We bought a new backpack and lunchbox (for one day a week thank-you-very-much). Matt took the morning off, we all drove her to school, and she hugged Lillie like they might never see each other again. We did the "kissing hand" and I whispered prayers for our first graders first day.

At the end of the first day in the first grade, we learned she has a nice teacher, a great friend in her class, and at recess, she was "the queen." It was a great first day. She is confident and full of joy. I know we have "the tween years" and middle school, tears and doubting, and drama and heartaches ahead of us. But not today.

Today she is in first grade. Today she loves learning and reads about as well as I do. Today she is growing in wisdom and her heart is beautifully childlike. And on her first day in the first grade, we had to plenty of reasons to celebrate - and so we did.


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