She Must Be a Third Child

She must be a third child because I never ever would have allowed Sophie to try a popsicle at 7 months old! I was a little more laid back with Will since he was 25 pounds and eating meat by the time he was seven months old, but I still wouldn't have ever given him a popsicle!

I tried to tell myself that it was OK since it was a paleta from Whole Foods, and hey, a popsicle feels great on teething gums! But the truth is, I just wanted to shop with a happy baby rather than a fussy one, and I'm a tad more laid back with this third child! Poor kid only averaged a bath or two a week for her first few months and while I wouldn't let Sophie see a television screen at Lillie's age, I'd be thrilled if Lille developed an interest in early-morning PBS! Thank goodness Lillie doesn't seem to be any worse for wear, and in fact, I'm starting to wonder if there's a connection between my newfound laid-back style and my happy, smiley baby! And really, who isn't happier with a coconut paleta?


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