Just Another Week

The past seven days have been a whirlwind! Last Sunday night, I was preparing a back-to-school breakfast table and packing lunch for Sophie's 1st Day in the 1st Grade! Since then we've...

  • taken Sophie to her first day of school on Monday and met her new teacher, Mrs. Greer (more about that later)
  • had a back-to-school dinner at P.F. Chang's to celebrate on Monday night
  • backed into a telephone pole on Tuesday
  • had Aunt Ashley save Sophie from being hit by a car, within an hour after hitting the telephone pole (one of the scariest experiences ever, poor Aunt Ashley still has a nervous twitch from it)
  • sent Sophie with Patti-Grams and Tato on her first trip to NYC (much more about that later, but just know she saw Lion King and Mary Poppins in the same day! It was that kind of trip!)
  • worked like a dog to bring a little order to the condo on Wednesday
  • stayed up super-late with Ash tagging for an upcoming consignment sale Wednesday night
  • sent Will to Aunt Ashley's house on Thursday for his first spend-the-night with Jack while we went with Aunt Tori and Uncle Derek to Atlanta (3 kids in 3 states on Thursday and Friday!)
  • spent 24 hours in Atlanta,(Thursday-Friday) packed up many needed items from our house, shopped at IKEA for Matt's office and had two amazing meals in Atlantic Station
  • had fun visit on Saturday with Aunt Pammie who drove up just to relieve Aunt Ashley and spend time with Wild Will
  • prepared (well, Matt, not-so much me) to speak in the main service at TPC for the first time on Sunday morning (He did an amazing job! I was very proud!)
  • worked on Sunday afternoon (Matt writing, me editing) materials for Sunday evening student training
  • wrote lesson plans for a student I begin tutoring this week
And now, I'm waiting at 11:26 p.m. for Sophie to arrive back from her trip so I can send her back to school in the morning. Just another week at the Rodens...


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