The August Whirlwind

August was truly a blur, and though it was full of fun firsts and amazing memories, I must say that I am grateful to have returned to somewhat of a routine. 

Not only did Sophie have her first day of school, but I also had my first day of school! I have begun teaching one afternoon a week at MAFA, (Sophie's school), so we have had major back-to-school transitions at our house! So far, my experience has been wonderful, and I actually get to teach Sophie in my last class of the day, but we are all holding our breath about how Will will do when he begins MAFA on Monday. So far, he hasn't been to school, but stayed home with Patti-Grams or Daddy, and I think we all have our doubts whether or not school is ready for Will! Thankfully, he'll only be in class from 11:30-5 on Mondays, so I'm hoping he can't wreak too much havoc in one afternoon a week!

Not only did we have back-to-school chaos, but we also had our first "family" stomach virus! Wow, was that an experience. We weren't actually all sick at once, but the kids had it together, and then 48 hours later, Matt and I had it together. I truly wondered if our house would be standing by the time we recovered. We were oh-so-sad to be away from family, but we also knew we would have just been infecting them if anyone had been here to help. In fact, we still somehow infected them days later when we arrived in Nashville for Sophie to go with Patti-Grams and Tato to Chicago!

Another big first, Sophie's first trip without mama! She had an absolute ball in Chicago, enjoying taxis, Giordano's, Hershey's, Ghiradelli, ordering room service, the Children's Museum, and the big highlight... American Girl! She came home with Kit, four "American Girl" animals, and more American Girl clothing and paraphernalia that can be imagined! She was definitely on a trip that could only be experienced with one's grandparents! Though Patti-Gram's and Aunt Hope both experienced the stomach virus (thanks to us) while in Chicago, our cousin Joy (now a local) :) saved that day and ensured that everyone had an amazing trip! I could not have been more proud of or thrilled for Sophie and all the fun she had experiencing what is my favorite city in the world! (Pictures will definitely follow, but are all on the Tato's camera...)

Meanwhile, Matt has been crazy busy with all the back-to-school chaos that comes with being a student pastor! Throw in another round of colds (for Sophie and me), a shocking it's-a-girl ultrasound, Will's first trip to Patti-Grams' without Mama, a whirlwind trip to Birmingham, Sophie's first major school project, and Soph's first day of ballet, and you have one family ready for several boring weeks! Though I highly doubt we will actually achieve boring, and I'm quite sure we won't achieve routine, I am hoping and praying for a quieter, somewhat more stable form of chaos!



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