These Moments

I really want to blog more. I don't know if I can because I am tired. Really more than tired - exhausted to the bone in a way I'm not sure I knew was possible. (For me having a little baby is a walk in the park compared to having a toddler!) But, I want to blog anyway because there is absolutely no way I will remember many of these moments if I don't record them.

I know that to do that I will have to set my standards even lower. I already don't edit my posts (even though I am paid for my editing skills...) because I realized long ago that I could either write and post, still rather infrequently, or write, edit, and post twice a year! Anyway, I want to remember these moments because, crazy as they are, they are wonderful, beautiful and sacred to me.

So, here are my snowbirds playing in the March 2 "blizzard" of 2013! :) Will's comment was, "I feel so sorry for the Africans because they just don't get to play in snow like this." Indeed, I think the "Africans" are the only group of people jealous of our snow! Our snowbirds had more fun than I would have thought possible in this dusting, and I'm pretty sure it was the first time Lulu registered what snow was!

Matt took the kids for errands after our snow play, and I marveled at how grateful one could be for a couple of hours to do laundry alone. I really never dreamed I could be that happy about an untold number of laundry loads and The West Wing coming to netflix.

But all good things must come to an end, and my plan for Matt to bring Lulu home for a nap while I kept working turned in to me attempting to keep working while holding an over-tired baby! I was so frustrated because I had been praying for motivation in our house (it's in the worst shape it's even been in), and I finally had momentum, only to get stopped dead in my tracks. I'm all about "excuse my messy house, making memories," and "messy house, happy children," etc, but at some point, you realize you are making memories naked because you haven't done laundry. I mean, my children get read to, rocked, tickled, cuddled, etc., but I really don't want them to get taken away because our home is labeled a bio-hazard, and we're approaching that tipping point.

Anyway, I was then in a fabulous mood, and dinner was less than picture-perfect. We are working on training the kids in taking more responsibility in the house, and I may have been less than gentle in some of my training techniques. Not the order-restoring, life-giving afternoon I had planned. Anyway, because I want my children to remember me making chocolate chip cookies rather than yelling, I made a super-fast trip to the store for some forgotten ingredients so I could bake chocolate chip cookies after I yelled. I'm hoping they remember the cookies and not the yelling. Both are part of our reality right now, and I'm committed to treasuring these moments.


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