Our Little Lillie

Lillian Hope is five months old. She weighed 13 pounds and 12 ounces when she went in for her little nose problem. She continues to be long and lean like her sister.

She is a delightful baby! Matt and I often talk about how she is the happiest of our three! She smiles all the time and she has a precious laugh, though only Sophie can get her to break into full-on giggles! (And of course, the thing that cracks her up the most is Sophie being repetitively loud and obnoxious!)

Lillie looks like a mini-version of Sophie, with
big blue eyes and blond hair. Lillie's hair is curlier than Soph's, and Patti-Grams calls her Einstein because of her wild poofs of hair that stick out on the sides.

More and more we can't imagine our lives without precious Lillie. We know so much more about her, and she is moving from being "my" baby to "our" baby in ways that melt my heart. Sophie has about mastered changing her diapers and has even practiced holding her while standing up! Will has all but loved her to pieces, and he never calls her Lillie, but always, "Lillie Pie" or "my blue sunshine!" Lillie has really started to love Matt (it is only a matter of time before she likes him better). Lillie already has strong bonds with Aunt Tori (she is the master at getting her to sleep), Aunt Hope (she is the pro at calming her down), and now Tato, since he was her "manny" at the beach! Oh, and Uncle Derek won her love with the promise of Dr. Pepper (and he even has even gotten her to sleep a couple of times), and Lillie flat our flirts with Vasya!

I prayed that Lillie would have a gentleness and a kindness that our family full of leaders tends
to run a little low on, and it seems as though God has answered those prayers. Lillie is an amazingly responsive, sweet, charming baby girl! We love her more than words can say, and oh, how thankful we are for her!


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