Happy Anniversary!
Matt and I have celebrated our anniversary for about a week now, but on December 21 six years ago, we began the wild ride our marriage has been so far. It is one thing to talk about the kids on a blog, but I must admit I am a bit more private about our marriage, so there probably won't be any long, revealing posts about it. That being said, I can't imagine doing life with anyone else but Matt, and as a sort of anniversary card (did we forget those?), I thought I would mention six reasons why I'm glad he is my husband... 1. No one could ever make me laugh as much as he does. Even when I am ready to kill him, he can still make me laugh. Last night, he actually made me squirt water out of my nose! Very little of what he says and does can be written about in a public forum, but trust me when I say that life with him involves a lot of laughter! In fact, several people have asked me over the years, "Do you just laugh all the time?" Well, no in fact not all the time... B...