Happy Anniversary!

Matt and I have celebrated our anniversary for about a week now, but on December 21 six years ago, we began the wild ride our marriage has been so far. It is one thing to talk about the kids on a blog, but I must admit I am a bit more private about our marriage, so there probably won't be any long, revealing posts about it. That being said, I can't imagine doing life with anyone else but Matt, and as a sort of anniversary card (did we forget those?), I thought I would mention six reasons why I'm glad he is my husband...

1. No one could ever make me laugh as much as he does. Even when I am ready to kill him, he can still make me laugh. Last night, he actually made me squirt water out of my nose! Very little of what he says and does can be written about in a public forum, but trust me when I say that life with him involves a lot of laughter! In fact, several people have asked me over the years, "Do you just laugh all the time?" Well, no in fact not all the time... But when life gives the choice between laughter and tears, Matt does help tip the scales towards laughter.

2. He works so very hard at being a good husband and father. I've mentioned before that Matt is a learner, and I am always impressed that he keeps growing, particularly in his role as the leader of our family. Two small, but recent examples... Matt is currently reading What a Difference a Daddy Makes, a book that focuses on the relationship between father and daughter. Now Matt must read quite a bit for his job, so the fact that he carves out time to read a book about his relationship with Sophie is precious to me. Also, Matt has planned for us to read Creative Marriage and discuss a couple of chapters each month beginning in January. Matt really wanted us to begin this book last year, but he knew I was feeling a bit overwhelmed, and he graciously put it off while I adjusted to another baby and a move. He continues to work at being a better husband and father, and let me just say, first, it really shows, and second, I am so thankful to have married someone who is committed to learning and growing.

3. He works so very hard at being a good pastor. His love of learning carries over into his love of ministry, and he faithfully reads, studies and listens to messages that keep him sharpening his skills in the role God has chosen him for. (I think I have listened to more pastors than any woman not in ministry between all the sermons I've heard in the car with my dad and those I've heard on Matt's computer as he gets dressed!) I see his tremendous passion and his great improvement, and I feel so proud of the pastor he is becoming. He is passionate about grace, loving people exactly where they are, and helping others find who they were created to be. I am proud of the balanced perspective he brings to so many situations and the way his faith isn't threatened by those of a differing opinion I also feel blessed that our children will have the opportunity to realize (as I did) that there dad has a life mission, and I believe that his passion will be contagious to them. As he leads our home, he captures all our hearts and imaginations, as he continues on the adventure to which God has called him.

4. Matt loves the Lord and continues to grow is his relationship with Christ. He is not content with the knowledge he's acquired or the strides in maturity he's already made. He spends time daily in the Word and is actually different because of it. He tries to get to know God for who He is - rather than making Him smaller than He is in order to understand Him. He approaches his spiritual relationship much as he does his earthly ones, communicating the priority of the relationship with his time and attention. Even when things in our lives are rocky, I feel secure in Matt's leadership because of his genuine relationship with Christ.

5. After six years, we are beginning to know each other well. We have influenced each others habits (for better and worse), and we genuinely enjoy being together. I've learned to sleep in complete silence and darkness. He's learned to find my keys. Whether I'm keeping him up too late or he's convincing me I will like his choice in movies, we are at a place where home feels like where the other one is. Much of our lives we now think about in the context of "us." We have become a great team, and thankfully, in most situations, when one is weaker, the other is stronger.

6. He makes me feel secure in his love. I have a sneaking suspicion that I am no picnic to live with, but you would not know it based on how Matt treats me. I see so many of my mom's prayers about my mate answered in Matt. Security is a big deal for me, and Matt could not do more to make me feel sure of how much he loves me.

We are just getting started in our marriage. In six years, we have had experienced many blessings, made lots of memories, (and mistakes), and faced some challenges. We hope that six years will turn into sixty and that we will experience many more blessings, make loads more memories, (make fewer mistakes with each year), and face each new challenge - together.


Matt Roden said…
Wow. Thank you honey. I love you so much and wish I could write like you! I love being with you.

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