Christmas Update

We just returned home after enjoying one of the most fun, relaxing Christmas seasons we've ever had.

We began with a marathon of activities. On the 22nd, we had a 
cookie decorating party at Aunt Tori's, on the 23rd, we celebrated
her birthday, and on Christmas Eve, we took care of last minute shopping, attended Christmas Eve services, and celebrated with friends until the wee hours of the morning. (We also prepared cookies and milk for Santa and tracked him on NORAD for much of the evening!)

Christmas Day began earlier than usual due to the addition of our little "alarm clock," and the adults at our house operated on very little sleep until we were able to sneak in naps! Both Sophie and Will were thrilled with gifts from Santa, and we all enjoyed hearing the Christmas story and 
singing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. 

December 26 brought another celebration with Patti-Grams'
 side of the family, complete with family members from LA, Chicago, Nashville, Birmingham and Atlanta I always love watching the kids with their great-grandparents, so this was a particularly special day. December 27 was a celebration with Tato's side of the family, including more gifts and good food!

On Sunday, we transitioned from celebrating to resting and relaxing. We shopped, played games, went to movies, rented movies, and of course, ate great food. We laughed a lot and enjoyed one another, and I can't remember a holiday season that was more fun. 

We ended our time with our annual New Year's Eve with our dearest friends - eating, playing games and laughing some more! We took our traditional NYE pictures that I will add as soon as I upload them... Sophie and Will spent New Year's with Patti-Grams and Tato - complete with a toast at 10 p.m. (I was actually a little surprised that Sophie didn't make it until midnight...) 

  • Celebrating Will's first Christmas
  • Celebrating with Derek for the first time
  • Watching Sophie truly enjoy playing with her Christmas gifts 
  • Watching Will walk with the support of his new wagon push toy
  • Reading two books
  • Playing games (this year's favorites - Imagine If and Apples to Apples)
  • Watching the entire season (so-far) of Worst Week (so funny!)
  • Spending time with dear friends
  • Watching Sophie and Will experiencing the love of our entire family  

The new year is here, and I know that we must return to "real life," but I am so thankful to have had this time with our family and friends. We have made memories, given and received love, and celebrated the true meaning of Christmas. So, we've enjoyed every second of the holidays and continue to be feel grateful for such a special season of our lives.                           


Sounds perfect. Sad we didn't connect, but we will. I love love love the glimpses I get through this blog. We, too, had the most relaxing, enjoyable holiday season that we can remember. Praise God! Love to all!

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