
I read several "mommy blogs," including a couple of dear friends' blogs, but even more that I've found through searching the web. One of the blogs that I enjoy In the Heart of My Home led me to the blog of one of my favorite authors, Sally Clarkson. Mrs. Clarkson's blog is called I Take Joy, and her recent post "Rest and peace--ahhhhhhhh!" was just what I needed to hear, and it reminded me of why I find her writing so encouraging. In fact, I began re-reading one the first books I read by her, The Mission of Motherhood. Already I am so thankful to find myself remembering why I have chosen to do some of the things the way I do, when it seems that there has to be an easier route. 

In the first chapter of The Mission of Motherhood, Mrs. Clarkson beautifully describes my greatest hopes for my children:

"...I have come to picture the heart of each child as a treasure chest. Each chest is empty and needs to be filled with the riches of unconditional love, spiritual nurture, and the emotional heritage of family and traditions; with mental stimulation that comes from excellent sources of truth, morality and inspiration; with a sense of physical and emotional security; and with guidelines for all of life, including purpose, relationships, and proper behavior."

This is a tall order, and one that I know I cannot bring about on my own. But through the power of Christ in me and in partnership with Matt, I long to diligently and tenderly fill my children's hearts with treasure. 

I am thankful for the reminder that motherhood is an important calling, and I am thankful for the women who have and are mentoring me both through relationships and written words. I am thankful for the fresh inspiration and determination that are found in encouragement. 


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