Back It Up Buddy!

It's official. Will has had his first fight. I knew this day was coming, but I didn't expect it to come while he was still two!

The story (as reported by Ms. Theresa to Aunt Tori) goes something like this...

One of Will's little buddies hit him (or as Will corrected me, "he didn't hit me, he punched me in the face!) At which point, Will put his little buddy on the ground. Then while his buddy was being put in time out by the teacher, Will proceeded to make his bull-snorting noise (or as Ms. Theresa called it, "that aggressive sound he makes") to the entire rest of the class including the teacher (which earned him a little visit to time out)! I'm pretty sure he was just letting everyone else know not to make the same mistake his little buddy made. I mean Will likes his friends, but it's nothing to him to put someone on the ground. At least he warned them.

I asked him if he said sorry to friend, and he looked at me like I was a bit slow, and said, "No, he punched me in the face!" When Matt first asked him if he and his buddy were still friends, he said, "of course," but by the time I asked him later this evening he thought about it and said, "now, we're not!" I'm pretty sure it will blow over by Tuesday, but just in case it doesn't, I asked Will what he's going to do. He just snorted and growled, "back it up, buddy!"


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