Will School: B is for Boo

Last week in "Will School," we talked about the letter B! We had lots of fun since Will is a big boy and a big brother whose favorite color is blue! We learned that B is for:

  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See? (both of which Will can "read" perfectly and nothing is quite as precious as hearing him say "flying fwirrel, flying fwirrel, what do you see?)
  • The Bible - Will loves "Bible time," and since we usually have a devotion in the mornings, any time I mention the Bible he asks for a vitamin!
  • Baseball, Basketball, football, soccer ball - Even though some of our family members already have him playing o-line, we aren't sure which ball will is going to take to. Even though he's talked about soccer, I'm hoping to get him interested in baseball since he's not quite as "fast, fast super-fast" as he thinks he is!
  • Blue General, Byron the Bulldozer, Sir Toppenhat's blue car, and Bulstrode the boat - Will's first love is trains, so any connection to Thomas is always a plus. And "the General" is all-time favorite train (the real one is in Atlanta at the train museum we often visited), and Will has both a black and a blue general, both of whom are always mentioned in his prayers. (The rest of the family may or may not make it in, but the Generals are shoo-ins!
  • Boo! - Will is getting excited about Halloween this year, though it is still up in the air as to whether or not he will put on a costume (last year he got so mad he threw up). But he is crazy-excited over his new favorite song Boo Boo, Choo Choo (don't even listen to it once or you will sing it for days)! And between it and God Is Bigger Than the Boogie Man, there is nothing Will is afraid of these days! He's like the main character in his current favorite non-Thomas book, The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything, and his favorite part of that story is when the scary pumpkin head that yells, Boo!
  • B-A-M-A - Roll Tide Roll! Not to mention Bear Bryant, also known as "coach" around here! And we don't have to be having a perfect season to be cheering for our team
  • Baby - And of course, we have a pretty great one of those! Will loves his beautiful baby and he is the best big brother!


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