Will School: C is for Candy!

I'm behind on my reporting about Will School, but the letter C timed out perfectly with Halloween and Matt's birthday! C is a great letter for sweet treats, so we took full advantage!

C is for Cranky the Crane, one of Will's favorite Thomas characters!

C is for cars, Will's second favorite thing on earth! (He can't wait to see Lightening McQueen when we go to Disney soon!)

C is for crayons, and Will loved coloring and hearing Harold and the Purple Crayon.

C is for cows and chickens, and Will giggled through Click, Clack, Moo, Cows That Type!

C is for Corduroy and our favorite monkey, Curious George.

C is for cowboys (Will's favorite cowboy is Woody)!

C is for Chicago, where is our cousin Joy lives, and Will's top choice of city he wants to visit!

C is for candy, cookies, cupcakes, and cake! We had a little of each during our study of the letter C! We had plenty of candy from trick-or-treating, cookies at Patti-Grams, cupcakes from Gigi's, and Daddy's birthday cake! Needless to say, we were on sugar-overload, but it was lots of fun!


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