Getting to Know Her

Lillie is three weeks old. She is absolutely precious. Matt and I were very thankful to have the opportunity to spend five days spending time with just Lillie while Sophie and Will had fun with Patti-Grams and Tato. (It reminded us so much of the time right after Sophie was born, with just a mama, a daddy, and a baby! But as fun as that was, we were thrilled when big brother and big sister returned home!) Though she is still a little on the sleepy side, I love getting to know Lillie and noticing the similarities and differences between Lillie and her siblings.
  • Lillie seems to be a very mellow baby. She seems to be more laid back than either her
brother or sister. She rarely cries, and even when she does, we can't believe how how much less severe it is compared to her siblings. Sophie could (and really still can) cause one to move at warp speed with her wail (it starts low, but quickly escalates until that hair on the back of one's neck is standing up), and Will is all about the power-packed cry. I am very thankful that Lillie seems to be easy-going.
  • Lillie is not a fan of having her diaper changed. Though she is, in general, laid back, she dislikes having her diaper changed more than either of her siblings. She likes to be cozy, and having her clothes or diaper changed is her least favorite activity.
  • Like both her siblings, Lillie is a great nurser. She eats well and often, and I am very thankful to have three kids who have nursed so easily. She's not a huge fan of the pacifier, but she will take it in a pinch from people other than me.
  • Lillie is our runt. Weighing in at 7 pounds and 4 ounces, she is smaller than Sophie was at
  • 7' 11'', and not even in Will's 8' 13" ballpark. She was longer, though, than we originally thought, as by the Friday after she was born on Monday, she was measuring at 21". She still doesn't have many clothes that fit her well since I was expecting a baby closer to Will's size! Lillie also seems to have the long fingers and toes characteristic of all members of our family!
  • Lillie is much better in the car than Sophie or Will. Though she has her limits, car travel has been much easier this time around than with either of the other two.
  • Lillie has the blondest hair of any of our kids. Sophie's was darker, though she always had blonde in it, and Will's was a dark blonde, while sweet Lillie's is just about white! All three of my kids look like my dad, but Lillie does as much as any of the three!
  • Lillie is super-snuggly and loves her sling. All three of our kids have loved being snuggled and worn in a sling. It makes me look forward to times when all five of us can cuddle up in the bed or on the couch. For now, Lillie is pretty easy to please... feed her, hold her, put her in the sling, Lillie is a happy girl.

I'm so limited as to what I know about sweet Lillian Hope so far, but the past few weeks have truly been precious, and I can't wait to get to know my little girl better and better as the days go by. I continue to be thankful for three happy, healthy children, and I am particularly thankful for the opportunity to know each of them more as we spend our days together.


mjb said…
Third babies are the best! You are relaxed and they seem to know it!! She is so cute!!!

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