My To Do List for the First Quarter of 2010
January 2010
- Watch Alabama win national championship, very nearly inducing early labor - check
- Herniate disc in back resulting in an ambulance ride and trip to er (iv number 1) - check
- Stay in bed on pain meds fretting about possible c-section and lack of preparation for baby - check
- Go in labor 10 days early, but deliver healthy, beautiful perfect baby girl (iv attempts 2-4, epidural) - check
- Have MRI, or rather attempt to have MRI 48 hours after giving birth ("No, I don't think I'm claustrophobic, I should be fine...) and have subsequent panic attack ("Get me out of here now!) - check
- Take Lillie twice during her first week of life for billirubin check for jaundice, once from a woman who, in her own words, is "terribly ill" and "will definitely not be at work tomorrow." - check
February 2010
- Get call from Dad suspecting a diagnosis of cancer - check
- Celebrate Will's 2nd birthday day after cancer diagnosis- check
- Travel to Franklin with two week old baby, taking nearly 6 hours - check
- Go to hospital for Dad's surgical biopsy - check
- Fall on ice with Lillie - check
- Hear Dad's "official" (but also incorrect) diagnosis with Hodgkin's - check
- Hear Dad's actual diagnosis with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (what we thought at the time was a much worse diagnosis) about three hours before Will's birthday party - check
- Visit oncologist with entire family to hear plan of attack - check
- Return to Atlanta to wing it with all three kids - check
- Go to check up with my doctor - check
- Have doctor find enlarged carotid artery, pass out in lobby, and take second ambulance ride of the year - check
- Spend eight hours away from newborn baby at er, have 2 ekgs, one ultrasound, one ct, and another iv (5th stick) - check
- Have total nervous breakdown -, well, not yet anyway... but there's still over a week left... Actually thanks to visits and lots of help from Aunt Pammie, Aunt Ashley, and now an extended visit from Aunt Hope, I'm still keeping the men in white coats at bay! I am praying that like spring, 2010 will come in like a lion, but go out like a lamb!