The Third Time's the Charm

I'm not sure if it is true that the third time is the charm, (since I'm pretty partial to my first and second), but I know that our third is becoming quite charm-ing!

At her two month check up, she weighed in at 11 pounds even and 24 inches. Her length was in the 93% percentile! That is just a half inch smaller than Big Will was at his 2 month visit (though he had a full two pounds on her). She is
1/2 inch longer than Sophie was, but a little over a pound lighter. Dr. Dick said to expect her to be long and lean, much like her sister. (Dr. Dick also mentioned that brother should be nicknamed "Tank!) Though she cried her eyes out for her immunizations, she calmed very quickly, and had no problems whatsoever.

The frequency of her sweet smiles seem to grow each day, and she is working hard laughing! No
real laughs yet, although we've had a couple of close calls. We also caught her worshipping in her sleep this week! We all had so much fun watching her
snoozing with her arms lifted above her head!

Lillie is growing into a sweet-natured, beautiful baby girl, who is well-loved by the entire family. We are enjoying each day with her, and we can't wait to know her more and more as she grows. Our third baby is quickly charming her way into our hearts.


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