He Couldn't Love Her More

There's no way a big brother has ever loved a baby sister more than Will loves Lillie. Even though I sometimes worry that his "big love" will land us in the emergency room, I am so thankful that Will adores Lillie the way he does.

Will believes that every coo, every laugh, every smile Lillie makes is totally directed at him! A thousand times a day, I hear "she cooing at me, she laughing at me, she cooing at me!" Or, "Oh, Lillie, I you broth-o!"
And bless his heart, if Lillie isn't starting to adore him as much as he adores her! I still think she gets a little nervous when she sees 40 pounds of love bounding over to wake her up each morning, but Will's declarations are starting to have some truth. She is cooing at him! She is laughing at him! She is smiling at him! Once again, love is growing before my very eyes, and I am so thankful I get to watch it.


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