A Little Bit Thuggy

Every night before bed, I pray that Will will grow into a man who is strong and true. I tell him stories of courage, strength, honesty, and loyalty. I encourage him to protect his sisters and show kindness to others. But sweet Will walks a fine line between angel and thug. He's a great kid, but every now and then, he gets a little glimmer in his eyes that tell me I'm about to deal with Wild Will. Currently, I've seen a little more of that glimmer than I'd like as Will is in what you might call a wee bit of a "negative stage." Along with the sounds of a 40 pound two year old hitting, pushing, hair-pulling, and tackling (and sisters big and little crying accordingly), here are
a few little "gems" heard around our house this week.

"Sleep makes me throw up," "Water makes me throw up," "This song makes me throw up," or " insert-any-other-activity-food-or-person-that-he-currently-finds-distasteful makes me throw up!" (By the way, he isn't always kidding; he can 100% make himself throw up if he's bent on proving the point!)

"Shut your mouth fill-in-the-name-of-whoever-he's-currently-upset-with! (though he has a particular favorite who shall remain nameless...)

When presented with a simple request like "Will, please stop choking your sister," or "No, you can't have another cookie," he is likely to declare "You can't talk to me that way!"

And my personal favorite, "This condo is NOT good. Our house is Georgia is good. A brand new house is good. This condo makes me throw up."

On a happier note, he's begun praying the sweetest prayers at most meals, always beginning with "God, we thank you for God and that my cars and trains go really fast." In the middle, there is a lot more about cars and trains, then possibly some about family members and the occasional friend, usually ending with "and that this food is hot, hot hot!"Also, in the food department, Will has decided that barbeque chicken doesn't make him throw up because, as he explains, "it tastes like ribs."

In other Will news, he has firmly adopted a life philosophy that he can clearly articulate - "life is a highway and I wanna ride it all night long! If you're going my way, I wanna drive you all night long!" (One day, I will learn to post video so everyone can experience Will's singing! There may be something sweeter on earth, but I haven't seen it.)

Singing is Will's new passion, second only to his trains and cars. He has us play the songs he likes over and over (upwards of 20 and 30 times) so he can memorize the words. If the lyrics are too fast, he whines (I can't understand what they are saying!) His clear favorite right now is Life Is a Highway, but he's also a fan of Five Smooth Stones, Real Gone, and pretty much all of the Thomas soundtrack and Warrior Prince cd.

Life with Will is never boring, and though he's been more thug than angel lately, I continue to find myself amazed by how much joy a little thug can bring to this mama's heart. I am absolutely crazy about this kid, and though I pray daily that I don't have to bail him out of jail one day, I am certain that I would rob a bank to do so. In the mean time, we are continuing to love, guide, and discipline our little man, praying that in the end he will be strong and true, with maybe just a little "thug" thrown in for good measure!


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