Words Overheard

Our family loves words, and our house is full of them! Words read, words memorized, words sung, words spoken, and sometimes, words shouted! I don't know how poor Lillie will ever get a word in! Here are a few of the more memorable words heard from Sophie and Will just this week.

"I will not assault her again!" Nice. If only it had been true.

(in the middle of the grocery store after Sophie stole his buggy) "You are mean Sophie and I am most indignant!" (Boy, did we get some looks on that one! Thanks, Thomas. Though actually Will corrected me, letting me know "Gordon say that!") Of course, he full-force charged Sophie a few moments after declaring his indignance!

Just after Will timidly asked if the bats were going to get him since it was dark outside, and we subsequently corrected Sophie for scaring her brother about said bats, we overheard...
"Will, have I ever told you about the deer that eats little boys?"

Well, he definitely has her when it comes to physical strength, so I guess all she has left is psychological torture!

Oh my. We've laughed. We've cried. But needless to say, there has been no shortage of words around our house this week!


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