Update on Will

Well, Will's fever came down Wednesday evening, and I thought we were home free, with no fever on Thursday and a little less crankiness. On Thursday afternoon, I noticed a diaper rash, and then he didn't sleep well on Thursday night. Today, we found what we thought was diaper rash had spread all the way up to his neck! Will also began grabbing his hair with both of his hands and pulling and pulling, not to mention he was as cranky as he was during the peak of his fever! 

Needless to say, I was concerned and frustrated. Never was I so thankful to talk to Will's doctor as I was this afternoon. He assured me Will was having an allergic reaction and gave us the appropriate medications to give Will some relief. He told me that Will is itching, and isn't old enough to know how to scratch, thus the constant hair pulling! It has been the most pitiful thing to watch. On top of everything else, Will apparently fell yesterday (actually, he falls about 20 times a day), and one of his falls resulted in a black eye! My poor baby has had a rough day! 

I am happy to have spoken to a doctor who cares, hopeful that Will will be well soon, and thankful to be dealing with such minor medical issues. Even minor illnesses like his are reminders that our children's health is not guaranteed and they are, in fact, dependent on us to care for them. Thankfully, my Father knows how unable I am, and he longs for me to be utterly dependent on Him even as I care for my children.


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