Just What We Needed

Our little Lillie is three months old! She is a sweet, smily delicate-as-a-flower bundle!
What I know so far:
She loves singing! She tries to "sing" along, cooing as sweetly as you can imagine (my mom says Tori did this when she was a baby.)
She can't stand the car (much like her older brother and sister when they were babies).
She already responds to Sophie and Will, though for now, she is still mama's girl. I feel like she responds to me even more than the other two did as infants. It's like she knows she must capture my attention! She would like nothing more than for me to make eye contact and talk with her all day. In fact, I have to read most of the kids' stories looking at Lillie! She's already listened intently to much of Boxcar Children.
She loves her sling (like Sophie did), likes her bath (though she doesn't get very many), and didn't put up with being at school whatsoever. (She's only been to MAFA twice, and both times she wound up with me in her sling! Matt is taking off Monday and Patti-Grams will keep her on our last Monday!) She sleeps in her Amby for morning nap and a good chunk of the night, but always winds up with me before dawn (in fact, most mornings all five of us wake up together!) We are so thankful for our precious flower! As Sophie says, "she is just what we needed!"


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