Happy 31st Birthday Matt! Most people say things like, "I can hardly believe it's been a year since we fill-in-the blank... My, where does the time go???" Well, I know where the time since your last birthday has gone. It's been right here backing over us like a mack truck! All I can think as I remember last Halloween is how has it only been one year since you were celebrating your 30th birthday by going to a Halloween bash designed for teenagers while Aunt Pam and I took the kids trick-or-treating in the rain? It seems like at least three years ago since you and I were in the house with a princess throwing a fit about something while Aunt Pam was on the front porch knocking on the door to let us know our dragon had just made himself throw up to avoid wearing his costume. Seriously. Are you sure you're not turning 35? Since this year has been oh-so-eventful, I thought it would be no problem to come up with 31 memorable moments from the past year! 1. Begin at the b...
Sometimes when Matt is home for extended periods of time, as he was during the week of Thanksgiving, he has the opportunity to notice new things about our children. Not that he isn't connected to them - he is an amazing, hands-on, intentional dad, but the fact that he spends much of his time at work means that there are little "joys" his misses out on. One of the little "joys" he misses most of the time is the opportunity to spend long periods of time in the car with our kids. (I attribute Matt's perpetual cheerfulness to this fact, but that is another story...) Over Thanksgiving, however, Matt spent all kinds of time in the car with our offspring, and he was stunned by the number of times Sophie said "Mama..." Now, she said it no more and no less than she normally does, but the fact that Matt was in the car and I was talking, or trying to talk, with him seemed to highlight how often the word that has become my name was uttered. Sophie has always...
"The boy" turned five, and it came as no surprise to anyone who's had a conversation with him in the past year that he wanted a superhero birthday party! He's fairly obsessed with all things superhero, and his absolutely favorite is Spiderman. Will had a great actual birthday (Matt stayed home from work, we went to an indoor play park where he ran into a buddy, and then we celebrated with the family at Aunt Pammie's). But his birthday party was like watching his dreams come true. We had superhero training at an indoor play park, but in reality, it was he and his buddies, playing their hearts out being as rough as they could be and then topping it off with cake, lemonade, and sno-cones! Of course, Mr. glass half-empty nearly had a meltdown because his party was "too short," but at least I knew that he had the time of his life! The highlight of the party was when his friends made a tunnel and he rode a motorized bike through the tunnel of friends chant...