Large and In Charge

Will seems to have hit his two-year-old stride. He now daily tells me, "No, I won't." He frequently kicks, hits, or tackles, declaring "It funny - not rude!" And while I've said for a while he didn't know his own strength, I do believe he is starting to figure it out! He is still incredibly large physically, and now his personality is catching up to his body!

He is still a great lover of trains and cars, and he loves to tell me to "talk Thomas," meaning I'm supposed to be Thomas and he's some other train. The only problem is that I only know how to have a train conversation for so long, and he could play for hours! (What in the world do trains talk about anyway?) His new love is hunting for bugs, and he has a particular love of rollie-pollies. He likes to load up his pockets and announce "rollie-pollie in my pocket!"

When asked his name, he responds either "William James" or "Willie James," at which point I pretty much melt and forget about whatever "funny - not rude" things he's just done! He exudes confidence, frequently telling me, "I handsome" and "I awesome!" Of course, I don't argue or disagree... I will say he is very kind to the ladies in his life, telling Sophie, "You bootiful," and Lillie, "You precious!" He tells me "I love you soooo much!," and he tells Patti-Grams "You my favorite!"

He's also a smart kid, knowing exactly who he should ask for what. When told to ask me if he can have a treat, he'll say, "No I ask Patti-Grams!" And he knows Tato is his best bet for a middle of the night bot (a sippy cup full of milk, which, by the way, must be "fresh" meaning ice-cold from the fridge!)
Though Will has loads of self-confidence, he still has quite the fear of heights (ironic for a boy not on the height charts...), and given the choice, Will keeps his feet on the ground! He isn't afraid to take a lick though, and I am constantly amazed by the hits he takes without a fuss when Sophie sobs over a splinter. He loves to declare himself a "bad boy," and he even sings the Cops theme song, "Bad boy, bad boy whatcha donna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?" Then he sings, "Play trains!"

Though life with my "large and in charge" two year old leaves me ready for bed each night, I just can't express what joy William James brings to our lives. He is kind, smart, funny, and as he will tell you, oh-so-handsome! Even though he has a touch of "bad boy," he is growing into a an amazing tender-hearted but tough as nails protective and adoring son and brother. Never am I more proud than we he declares "I'm strong and true, mommy!" He is definitely on his way, and I am enjoying every day on the journey with my large, in-charge boy!


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