Christmas Modes of Transportation

We've had a busy December, full of lots of fun Christmas adventures. It seems "go go go" has been the theme of our adventures this year. Whether in a car or a carriage or on a boat or train, Sophie and Will have made lots of fun Christmas memories!

Christmas at The Georgian - We were excited that Patti-Grams was with us for our neighborhood's Christmas celebration. Sophie and Will saw Santa and Mrs. Claus, and we took a horse drawn carriage ride through our neighborhood.

Opryland Hotel -
Aunt Hope braved the day with us, and we met our best friends

Aunt Ashley, Jack and Cole. This is one of our favorite Christmas

traditions, and we couldn't believe how smoothly the day went considering the fact we had four kiddos in tow! We explored,
ate lunch, enjoyed the decorations, rode the river boat, and the highlight for Will, rode the train! Now, it was easy to miss how exciting this was for Will because he never smiled during the ride for one second, but he passionately loved it and began begging "again, again" as soon as the ride was over! It was a good thing we rode the train last because, the end of the train rides also meant the end of the line for Will! He was in pieces when his train adventures were over!

Building our gingerbread train - This just about turned out to be a gingerbread train wreck, but the kids had fun anyway! I knew from experience that Sophie had definite ideas about gingerbread creations, but I couldn't believe how opinionated Will was! It seems Will is extraordinarily passionate about all modes of transportation whether there made of gingerbread or not!


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